Lifestyle Coaching 

One on one & group courses

Mini but Mighty Life Make-Over 4 Week Course

Get ready to up-level your habits, belief systems, goals and confidence in just 4 weeks! 

Week 1: Unpacking Your Life
A deep dive, exploring every corner of your world to identify areas you’d like to improve and level-up. We’ll unpack why they are lacking and how we can move the needle forward across all areas with some simple actionable steps. 

Week 2: Habit Overhaul
Time to break limiting patterns and behaviours, and develop new empowering habits and routines that will supercharge your life. I will provide you with my favourite tools, techniques and strategies for sustainable habits to bring out your best you! 

Week 3: Glass Ceiling Smashing 
While we will still be setting some smaller and achievable short term goals, we’re also going to be shooting for the stars with those more audacious goals and dreams. Our process? 1. Get super clear on what you genuinely want, without ego, societal pressures and limiting beliefs. 2. Break down the goals into tiny actionable steps to reduce overwhelm. 3. Create a roadmap and start taking action!

Week 4: Mindset Magic 
The grand finale! Discover the power of a supportive mindset on this journey. One that will help unlock your greatest potential, live more authentically, and strengthen your ability to manifest your, in the words of T.Swifty, “wildest dreams”!

1hr Zoom Session each Monday night
Weekly Workbooks
Group Chat and Accountability

start Date:  Monday, 13th May
Time: 6:30PM
PRICE: $297

Start Date: Monday, 13th of may 
Time: 6:30PM
PRICE: $297

Mini but Mighty Life Make-Over 4 Week Course

Get ready to up-level your habits, belief systems, goals and confidence in just 4 weeks!

Yay! I can't wait to connect with you. please leave your info below and i will be in touch shortly, liv x

Week 1: Unpacking Your Life
A deep dive, exploring every corner of your world to identify areas you’d like to improve and level-up. We’ll unpack why they are lacking and how we can move the needle forward across all areas with some simple actionable steps. 

Week 2: Habit Overhaul
Time to break limiting patterns and behaviours, and develop new empowering habits and routines that will supercharge your life. I will provide you with my favourite tools, techniques and strategies for sustainable habits to bring out your best you! 

Week 3: Glass Ceiling Smashing 
While we will still be setting some smaller and achievable short term goals, we’re also going to be shooting for the stars with those more audacious goals and dreams. Our process? 1. Get super clear on what you genuinely want, without ego, societal pressures and limiting beliefs. 2. Break down the goals into tiny actionable steps to reduce overwhelm. 3. Create a roadmap and start taking action!

Week 4: Mindset Magic 
The grand finale! Discover the power of a supportive mindset on this journey. One that will help unlock your greatest potential, live more authentically, and strengthen your ability to manifest your, in the words of T.Swifty, “wildest dreams”!


Mini but Mighty Life Make-Over 4 Week Course

Get ready to up-level your habits, belief systems, goals and confidence in just 4 weeks!

Yay! I can't wait to connect with you. please leave your info below and i will be in touch shortly, liv x

Week 1: Unpacking Your Life
A deep dive, exploring every corner of your world to identify areas you’d like to improve and level-up. We’ll unpack why they are lacking and how we can move the needle forward across all areas with some simple actionable steps. 

Week 2: Habit Overhaul
Time to break limiting patterns and behaviours, and develop new empowering habits and routines that will supercharge your life. I will provide you with my favourite tools, techniques and strategies for sustainable habits to bring out your best you! 

Week 3: Glass Ceiling Smashing 
While we will still be setting some smaller and achievable short term goals, we’re also going to be shooting for the stars with those more audacious goals and dreams. Our process? 1. Get super clear on what you genuinely want, without ego, societal pressures and limiting beliefs. 2. Break down the goals into tiny actionable steps to reduce overwhelm. 3. Create a roadmap and start taking action!

Week 4: Mindset Magic 
The grand finale! Discover the power of a supportive mindset on this journey. One that will help unlock your greatest potential, live more authentically, and strengthen your ability to manifest your, in the words of T.Swifty, “wildest dreams”!


1:1 Coaching 

The signature 12 week Liv Your Life course has been carefully designed to: 

PRICE: $3,499 (Payment plan available)

What's included?

  • Enhance your emotional and physical well-being
  • Find balance and harmony across all areas of your life
  • Strengthen your self worth and confidence
  • Set actionable goals to consistently move the needle forward
  • Get clarity around your authentic code
  • Reduce friction, stress and overwhelm
  • Strengthen your nervous system
  • Form empowering habits and routines
  • Align with your values
  • Uncover your purpose 
  • Bring more fun, play and adventure into your life
  • Overcome limiting beliefs and tackle imposter syndrome
  • Manifest the life of your dreams

  • 12 x 60 minute 1:1 weekly Coaching Calls
  • 2 x 60 minute sessions with Guest Speakers
  • Voice support, messaging and accountability in between sessions
  • Downloadable resources and detailed workbooks each week
  • A one month follow up session
  • Exclusive discounts to Liv Your Life Retreats


"When I reached out to Liv, I was lost, stuck and fearful in what had been a very tumultuous time in my life. There was a darkness in my heart and there was something about her that felt like reaching into the light. During my incredibly personal coaching sessions with Liv, I felt like something shifted in my energy, my soul, my heart and my life. Her passion, humour, honesty, endless support, and 'you got this' vibe helped me find my centre again and I cannot thank her enough. She's like a magic genie bottle of positivity and a cheerleader for you becoming you. I'm so grateful she shimmied her way into my life and gave me the courage to fly."

kind words

- caitlin

"Liv Your Life isn’t a one size fits all program, it is so personalised to each individual’s needs and circumstances. It was the best decision I ever made to do Livs course, I learnt so much in those 12 weeks and have never been happier in myself. "

kind words


"To say this program is worth the investment is an understatement. It completely shifted my outlook on life and helped me understand myself on a whole new level. 
Liv helped me unravel the things that were holding me back, gain a deeper understanding of where the road blocks started, and realigned my sense of self, values and purpose to live the life I want for myself - not one that society pressures me into. 
Liv has taught me valuable lessons, strategies and mechanisms that will stay with me long after the program finished."

kind words

- chloe

“Liv’s love for life is contagious, and she has helped me through so many different challenges and fears in an already scary year of uncertainty and change. She has helped me become more aware of the person I am, and the person I want to become, whilst helping me break down any barriers along the way.
If you are thinking about joining Liv Your Life, stop thinking, and just do it.

It will be one of the best decisions of your life." 

kind words

- ERIn

"Joining the Liv Your Life Program on the back of maybe the busiest, most stressful but amazing 2 years of progressing my career and feeling like I was on top of the world professionally. I felt like I was hitting a wall everytime I tried to make a change in my personal life. Liv's outgoing, amazingly inspiring energy allowed me to open up and really challenge my beliefs, it was my weekly safe space to allow me to be vulnerable and really grow and understand all the things that have been holding me back from making the changes I needed to open my eyes to life outside work."

kind words

- Mel

“The cost of guidance and support from Liv is priceless! I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to encourage anyone with any seed of curiosity about signing up to do so. Not only do I feel more aligned with my goals, values and purpose but I feel as though I am creating a version of myself where I can thrive and truly be an active participant in life!” 

kind words

- .lauren

“I honestly feel like I'm in such a better place and just a better human. It has been a huge transition time for me and I'm SO happy I had you to help me navigate it!
I will miss our weekly catch ups, it was actually the highlight of my week.”

kind words

- anon

“I desperately needed a lifeline, and you were that. I adore your energy and I appreciate you sharing your personal stories to give me a sense of connectedness and confidence. I feel as though I've gained a beautiful friend in the process.” 

kind words

- lauren

“Liv is a beacon of light and her passion for living her best life is contagious! She is a natural coach! She could get me to dig deeper and really listened to what was going on. Liv and her amazing team provided the most GORGEOUS workbooks that took me on the journey to understand myself better week by week. She has been an amazing coach, cheerleader, accountability partner and friend. I walked away from each session with a better version of myself.”

kind words